Sunday, May 18, 2008


Sturgis, Michigan is a city in the south-west part of Michigan.. To add to that, it's an absolutely fascinating town... Michigan week starts here; all week they celebrate the history of the town with over 23,000 citizens and a lot of politicians involved in all the celebrations.
I was invited as a special guest and Speaker to the Start off Dinner and Theater performance, where I had the opportunity to meet some of the most hospitable people I have ever meet.
I was escorted around town by the Ex Mayor-Rob, Kathy and my sister Christy; I had the opportunity to see all the history of the town.
I participated in the dinner, theater performance, radio interview and parade. What an amazing weekend for me. I talked a lot about all my wonderful experiences as Miss Michigan USA, and my purpose for being Miss Michigan USA..... This year has been full of so many new experiences and has put me on a totally new leadership level, that I'm so thankful for.

Elisabeth Crawford
Miss Michigan USA

Women Helping Women Sold out!!

Women Helping Women Luncheon & Fashion Show. Proceeds from this event support the operation of the Women’s and Children’s Program at Grace Centers of Hope in Pontiac. This was the 10Th Anniversary for this program that's so amazing, because all the proceeds will go to helping women get on there feet and be self sufficient; by training them in the areas that will help them be equally employed.
The stories that were shared with us from women who have gone through the program were so touching!
Liz (Miss Michigan Teen USA) and myself helped welcome the guest...

Elisabeth Crawford
Miss Michigan USA 2008!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Travels to Atlanta

I recently went to the CNN World Center in Atlanta.
It was a dream come true to go and investigate the ins and outs of News making.. I have worked at a News station in the past, but this to me was a totally different level.
I also made a visit to the largest Aquarium in the Country while I was in Atlanta; it was soooo wonderful, I grew up around a very tropical, marine area; so this has always been something very close to my heart.
While I was there I was interviewed on the Radio (FM 104.3) by Dick Purtan.
Dick Purtan is regarded as Michigan’s most respected and recognized air personality, It was fun as always.
Thank you for all your support!!
Elisabeth Crawford